After performing ARIS Business Server installation, to launch ARIS via web browser (web client installed) where can we find the URL that can be passed to the users so as to launch ARIS via browser?
Which config files will have the URL mentioned ?
After performing ARIS Business Server installation, to launch ARIS via web browser (web client installed) where can we find the URL that can be passed to the users so as to launch ARIS via browser?
Which config files will have the URL mentioned ?
Hi Anupama,
Web Client is not configured with installation, but the required files are copied to the ARIS installation directory at the path <ARIS INSTALL PATH>/server/html. You will need to configure your IIS or APACHE virtual directory, and point it to "index_app.html" located in the "html" directory. Hope this helps you.
More help is there in ARIS Installation and Administration document.
Amol Patil
Hi Amol,
Once I configure my IIS and point it to "index_app.html" in the "html" directory I will be able to Acess ARIS via web browser. However to acess via web browser i must be providing users with some URL. I wanted to know where the URL can be found. Is there any config file I need to go and check to get this URL or is there any other procedure to obtain the URL.
Hi Anupama,
If you get to configure IIS or Apache, then the URL would be
http://<machine name or ip>/<virtual directory name that you created in IIS or Apache>
Thats it, if your virtual directory would be pointing to index_app.html. There will not be any URL in any preinstalled config/help file of ARIS, as the web client URL configuration is custom done by the ARIS admin.
More help details is there in ARIS Installation and Configuration help pdf.
Amol Patil
Hi Amol,
How are you? i am very happy to read your post. so i want to say someting about it. one time I configure my IIS and point it to "index_app.html" in the "html" directory I will be able to Acess ARIS via web browser. I hope that you can find more information from here please visit now mainframe testing software, natural & adabas
Thanks Amol,
I configured my URL using IIS 7.5 and now able to acess via web browser.
However the requirement has changed now and the web client connection now needs to be set using tomcat.
While installing business publisher I believe the tomcat has already been installed as I see in my ARIS installation directory, in the business publisher directory the tomcat folder.
Also the business publisher I am using is via port 9090 (default). I guess it is via tomcat as i see the tomcat home page
If I want to use ARIS via web client, will the same tomcat serve the purpose? or do i need to do another installation
What are the steps I need to follow to configure my URL for accesing ARIS via web browser using tomcat. ( currently business publisher using tomcat 6). Is there any manual or documentation I can refer to?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Anupama,
For accessing ARIS via web client, tomact is not actually needed, it is HTTP server + Web server + Servelet container. You just need any http server from it. If you want to go with opensource, then you can check Apache HTTP Server.
So in both cases, Apache HTTP server or Apache Tomcat, i guess you should edit httpd.conf file and create new virtual host there.
You can use the same tomcat which is installed with Business Publisher if your Business Publisher and Business Server are on same machine, which in most cases is not.
The best thing i can suggest is to use Apache HTTP server (light weight)
Amol Patil