
I am using ARIS 7.2 for my Dev server and Prod server. I am copying all the existing entities from dev to prod so as to have exactly the same environment.

For IT inventory I have copied all the custom config files from Dev to Prod.

1) for layout:


where ITIlayout is my customised layout folder

 2) Properties File


 3) XML Files



After copying the files to the Prod server, when I create export and login to my business publisher, I can see all the customisation similar to my dev server except for the find tab.

in my dev environment I see a rocket search image and the search option corresponding to it, however in my prod environment , for the find tab I see another view. which is common for all profiles for business publisher.

I have attached the screenshots.

I am unable to find out how this customisation is done, which config file would be the right one.

Also the rocket search option in webappserver.cfg  is on.

I wanted to have the same view of rocket search in my Prod environment.

I request support to help me identify how can I customise the "find" similar to my dev environment.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks & regards,








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