Profile picture for user ARIS_Downunder

Hi there,

after making changes to the method filter, ARIS Connect shows in the Configuration and modification sets for the active set an error message: An error has occurred. Please validate your configuration again. 

1) How is this done and what changes are causing these issues?

2) If I change a filter completly, i.e. copy filter and use that copied filter, what do I need to consider then in term of configuration change modification? 

Any information on how I can identify the changes I need to check or where I can find what errors are picked up on in greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance,


by Leon van der Zanden
Posted on Tue, 10/26/2021 - 23:12

I have the same problem and no clue how to fix this. There is no option in the cloud to do this.

by Milan Slivka
Posted on Wed, 10/27/2021 - 00:52

try this:

1. Login to your ARIS Connect.
2. Change the URL to: https://<yourserver>/#default/reloadConfig
3. Select 'Reload and validate configuration files' option

by Carmen Jacobs Author
Posted on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 02:58

In reply to by Milan Slivka

Thank you so much, Milan. I am now able to see where the errors are. 

The only problem I have now is to find out how I can search for the ID's that I'm given in the error message.


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