Hi Community,


If I create a new model in a group, than I have to refresh manually the navigation, to see the new model. I can use newmodel.openModel(); to open it after the report ist running. But this dont refresh the navigation. Is it possibly to refresh it or make it visible direktly after the report by the report?


Thank you


by Ellen Gambrell Pelletier
Posted on Fri, 09/21/2012 - 15:57

Hi Marcus - you can use the Context.addActionResult(nActionID, sActionText, actionObject) to either refresh the group, open the model, or both. Please note that these action results will not happen if you are running the report in debug mode.

To refresh the Explorer, just plug in the group you want refreshed (you can plug in the Main Group if you want the entire structure to be refreshed):

var oGroup = oModel.Group();
Context.addActionResult(Constants.ACTION_UPDATE, "", oGroup);

To open the model:

Context.addActionResult(Constants.ACTION_OPEN_MODEL, "", oModel);
by Marcus Knappe Author
Posted on Thu, 09/27/2012 - 16:43

Hi Ellen,


big thank you it works very well :)


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