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I get the message after installing the new version.  

It's a simple question, how do I turn it off?  

I have been searching for some time and can't find anything so either it is an obvious task or no one has the problem.


by arnie wentland Author
Posted on Tue, 01/08/2013 - 22:24

couldn't find another group to ask a question

by arnie wentland Author
Posted on Tue, 01/08/2013 - 23:06

no launcher.cfg in program files.

uninstalled and reinstalled.

same error,

still no launcher.cfg in Aris express program files. a lot of other files.

by Viktor Adamsky
Posted on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 17:49

Same problem!!!  Can not find launcher.cfg!!!! Is it a bug????

by boris zolotarev
Posted on Mon, 02/11/2013 - 13:59

I have the same problem too.

Tried to remove/replace JVM RT in "ARIS Express\client\jre",

changed jvmOptions params in arisloader.cfg in "ARIS Express\client\config"...Nothing helps. Seems that Aris Express.exe is just a java app launcher with built-in command-line parameters.

by boris zolotarev
Posted on Mon, 02/11/2013 - 15:37

At last I won! :-)

I did it this way:

1. killed everything in ARIS Express directory in %USERPROFILE% (not sure that was neccessary)

2. fully cleared java cache with Java Control Panel

3. manually run ARIS Express\client\lib\express.jnlp that first donwloaded version 2.4 from the ariscommunity site

4. woila!

Hey, SoftwareAG support, what did you say about Oracle problems with Java7? ;-)


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 08:55

Hi Boris.

You found two errors (thank you very much :-)).

The message is wrong about the launcher.cfg. I will communicate that with our developers.

In addition, in case of this setup version, the express.jnlp should just not be there. What you did by starting this jnlp is just using the webstart version and not the Windows installed (executable ) version.



by Mark Royle
Posted on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 07:09

So this problem is not fixed. Can someone from Software AG provides instructions step by step in how to get round this problem.

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 12:28

This never happened in our test labs, could you give us information about the memory available on your system?

There is no workaround in this version yet. If the windows installable does not work for you, you would need to use the webstart version.

by Mark Royle
Posted on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 12:47

System is Win XP SP3, with 4GB Ram, 128GB SSD. Free memory is generally 2.5GB of Ram and 2GB of virtual.

Web start version - you mean the jnlp file?

by arnie wentland Author
Posted on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 15:47

I am now running the windows version 2.4 on xp but not sure why it started working. When the problem initially occured I needed to make model changes so I reloaded version 2.3 and the program loaded and didn't pay much attention to the version.  When I saw this discussion continuing I checked my version and saw that it was 2.4. Since I used the defaults maybe the intallation program used the 2.4 files when I thought I was installing 2.3.  Hope this helps a little. 

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 10:38

Hi Mark,

4 GB should be sufficient. This is the configuration I have on my laptop.

Regarding the version:

If you have a look at the "download" section ARIS community, you can download the windows executable setup, or the webstart version. The latter one requests less memory.



by Hendrik Edzards
Posted on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 08:56

Hi everyone,

I ran into the same problem as described above and just found out that by starting the application as Administrator everything works fine. Maybe that information is helpful.



by Иван Kart
Posted on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 12:10

Can anybody describe step by step how to fix the aforementioned problem? all the previous posts did not help.

by Igor Polyantchikov
Posted on Fri, 06/28/2013 - 20:59

I've found mysterious launcher.cfg. In my case it locates in C:\Program Files\ARIS7.2\JavaClient\config\ folder. I’ve changed the value of Xmx from 512m to 16m in following line and ARIS’s started to launch.


I hope this information will help you.


by Dmitry Trubitsyn
Posted on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 15:28

I had the same problem.

It says "Unable to allocate the required amount of memory for the JVM. Please turn off Automatic Memory Management in launcher.cfg...".

But there is no launcher.cfg file.

To solve this problem you can launch "ARIS Express.exe" as an administrator.

by arnie wentland Author
Posted on Mon, 11/21/2016 - 23:41

The problem is back again on a new machine. I installed  ARIS Express 2.4c on a windows 10 machine with 8 gig of memory. I get the same message I had a couple years ago on an xp machine. " Unable to allocate the required amount of memory for the JVM . Please turn off Automatic Memory Management in launcher.cfg and try again. If you see this message again, try to lower the value of Xmx in launcher.cfg." as was true before I can not find launcher.cfg on my machine.  

Are there any new idea out there?  The problem went away for a couple years and it is back again. It is very annoying because I  have to reboot my machine before I load Aris.



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