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hello community!

i use aris for sap 7.1.

i want attribute type name chage to chinese. (english --->chinese)

make attribute and give chinese name. but not displayed name.

also attribute name is not displayed

so i try to view---> option---> general  chaged method language chinese

absolutly install lagunage chinese.

then program shutdown and run.

but not changed method language it turned english method language.

i have question.

1. need additional licence key? my licence is not using another method language?

2. i want know chinese attribute type displayed logon to database language chinese.

help my trouble. read for this article sorry my english is bad


by Deleted User
Posted on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 00:53


Just one note: I don't have access to "ARIS for SAP", I'm mainly an ARIS IT Architect user. But Licenses should follow the same (or very similar) patterns across all platform tools.

Therefore, regarding the license-language constraints: I believe that a license key somewhat specifies or constrains what languages can be used, but I have never read or heard about this (from documentation/SAG technician)

Check you license key string. Find a substring that starts with a capital 'L', followed by a country code. For example,  it a license key contains the substring "Len" it means:

  L - language key section

  en - English language supported

...."Lfr" would be the code flag for "French language". In your case it could be something like ''Lzk" or "Lzk-hk".

It's analogous to the Uxxx license flag, and many others.

Could someone kindly share further information on this topic, please?





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