Hi Guys
I am creating a macro. The objective is when I run this custom macro on function objects, it will create FADs in the group that the objects (belongs). I need to select the functions in the EPC and run the macro. Here is code, can you please correct me whereever I am going wrong. Not sure, how to get this working.... please see the text in bold..
var oObjects = Context.getSelectedObjects();
var localeID = Context.getSelectedLanguage();
for(var i=0; i<oObjects.length; i++)
var oObject = oObjects[i];
/* I need code to select the group value from information, how to get that????
var attributevalue = oObject.????(Constants.??????, localeID);
/* Is the below statement correct?
Explorer.createModel(Constants.MT_FUNC_ALLOC_DGM, int ModelType, String oObjects[i], int localeID, +i);
/** how to add header??
/** from EPC , all the connections like Controls, positions need to be moved as well to FADs when i run the macro, how to do that ??
Appreciate your response. Thank you.