Hi, every body
This is my first article. i would like to know more about attributes. as we know in aris there are many attributes which i myself can not understand the usage of all those attributes, do any body can help me to have a documents which explain main used attributes for Fucntions,events and connectors...
i need detailed documents or explainations.
Dear Mohammed,
did you read the ARIS Method documentation?
On the above page you can find the ARIS Method explaining all model types of ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems).
The complete reference about the ARIS methodology is provided via Empower (requires a one-time registration). However, that is just a huge list of model types, object types, conncetion types and attribute types on 3000+ pages.
More entertaining for you will be watching the video clip Learn which manuals are available for ARIS Business Architect.
And often underestimated is the value of the ARIS online help. Learn how information on ARIS Business Architect is provided by the online help.
Hi Rune,Can you help me to understand and resolve following issues:
1. Would it be possible to change or add a language label for model and objects attributes? pleas send me the link to proper page, if possible
2. export / import missing items from database
3. How to get a list of possible attributes for the object of type: function.
4. How to add some attributes to capture KPIs.
5. Aris application not able to change the attributes, user had access before to change attribute
Thank you,