Hello. I am leading supply chain automation efforts in Europe and actively engaged identifying the potential of improvement opportunities. Is there any interest in other members of the communmity in developing an ARIS integration model based upon ISA-95 analysis and process steps involved? Thanks for feedback, Beau
4 Replies
Hello. I am a phD student in computer science. I rely on S95 to identify the information flows, business processes that can be used as part of a MES project (Manufacturing Execution System). I am currently developing an ARIS integration model based upon ISA S95.
Hello Omar,
Thank you for your reply.
How close to completion is your model and does it cover the procedural aspects of applying S95 for analysis of automation?
Would you email me on beau.sherriff@dowcorning.com and we can arrange a call to discuss as simpler.
Thanks, Beau
I am a newborn to this community and BPM. I am working on a project and need some guidance. It is a supply chain project. Does anyone have a template linked to SCOR, maybe version 10? I am also interested in ISA-95