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Our users want to use Process Generator to export theirs models, modify them and import them back into ARIS.

However, the filter that is used is not a standart one. It contains some personalized entities (models, objects, symbols and attributes).

So when we follow the "Process Generator Method Updating" procedure, the personalized entities don't appear in the generated file "" (for a french configuration).

The conssequences are that we cannot add personnalized entities in Excel and the new standart object with personalized symbol are represented with standart symbols after the import to ARIS.

Is there any possibility to use Process generator with personalized entities ?

Is this type of evolution for Process Generator in a next Road Map ?

Best Regards.


by Talal MAZROUI
Posted on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 09:42


I had the same issue with one of my client. They wanted to do a mass import of their Excel files. So we tried to use "Process Generator", because we thought that we could do what we wanted to.

But using it, we noticed that indeed, it is not possible to import personalized items(especially symbols and attributes). So for all the clients that use personalized items, the "Process Generator" is not really useful.

So I have the same questions than M. Belloncle :

- Is it possible to use "Process Generator" with personalized items ?

- If not, will this feature be implemented on the next versions ?




by Cyril Gandois
Posted on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 10:39


I would also bounce on this subject.

My clients are particularly interested in this functionality that improves the user experience by making ARIS interactive with Excel spreadsheets.

Unfortunately I haven't found any solution to import personalized items. This greatly limits the functionality for some customers.

Indeed, the source file of the excel macro is locked and can not be changed.

So, do you plan to evolve "Process Generator" or unlock the macro? Or another solution ?



by Jacques Naud
Posted on Tue, 09/27/2011 - 20:38

Hi everyone,


Gaël said : So when we follow the "Process Generator Method Updating" procedure, the personalized entities don't appear in the generated file "" (for a french configuration).

When you want to update global method you probably have no access to the server folder.  


It’s possible to solve this issues, try this solution:

  1. Use Business Architect ABA (or AIA, ASA) and you are administrator.
  2. You need to have full access (at least write) for the entire ARIS 7.x  local folder under Program file ( I use the local installation :

    C:\Program Files\ARIS7.1\LocalServer\templates\scriptservice\processgen, ex. I have no access to server)
  3. Produce  small report (on one object) in this folder

    C:\Program Files\ARIS7.1\LocalServer\templates\scriptservice\processgen just to settle the path
  4. After It’s possible to run the report for updating the  Process Generator method.  I use global method to produce the report.  Click Ok  on window message and the report run.  At the end you have another window “ to open the file like,  close this windows.
  5. The generated file "" is update.  I use to update object attributs.




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