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Hi ARIS community.
Previously, we've been manually making regular backups of our ARIS databases and saving them to network storage.
If we ever needed to tinker or restore, we could use the local backups and just create or recreate a database (or import them into the test server). Soon our access to that particular network drive will be switched off. Our ARIS server is currently running from an AWS instance.

What we're considering is creating a bucket on the AWS instance to store the backups, which would have the added benefit (I think) of being able to get the server to execute a script to back the databases up overnight instead.

Is there anything we need to be wary of here, or anyone had similar experiences or different solutions?

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 13:21

Dear Ben,

I would recommend to use ARIS Tenant Management to backup each and every piece of your ARIS installation, and not just the ARIS databases. I assume you have created or changed report scripts, macros, filters, templates etc., also documents, dashboards, maybe even individual workflows, and last but not least, configuration and modification sets. All of that will be within a tenant backup.

You can access ARIS Tenant Managemnt via https://YouARIS/tm.

And in TM you can download, delete, and even schedule tenant backups.


by Ben Corcoran Author
Posted on Wed, 05/03/2023 - 02:47

In reply to by rbe

Thanks a lot Runè - I'm reasonably new to ARIS, and wasn't around when it was set up at my organisation, so the Tenancy stuff is a bit new to me. I've had a look at the documentation and it looks like I've got a problem accessing the Tenant Management system (can't seem to log in as superuser). Appreciate you pointing me in the right direction, hopefully I can figure out how to access it!

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 05/03/2023 - 08:27

In reply to by benIR

Please note ARIS Tenant Management keeps its data in tenant #master where by default are two user acounts: system and superuser. And of course, it's highly recommended to change their the default password of the both user accounts for securing your ARIS installation, because logging into #master enables access to ALL other tenants' content!



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