I'm working on an Excel report and want to change a cell's style. However, whenever I call:
var style = new XlsCellStyle()
I get an error: "XlsCellStyle is not defined'.
I'm using the workbook APIs for the report..I just can't change the cell's style, otherwise everything is working great. This looks like a very simple thing to fix...any tips?
As for me, I use the next code to change excell cell style:
var oOut = Context.createExcelWorkbook("123.xls"); //Color of the text in cell var oBlueFont = oOut.createFont(); oBlueFont.setColor(30); //Blue (10 for red) //Style of the cell var oBlueStyle = oOut.createCellStyle(oBlueFont, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Constants.ALIGN_LEFT, Constants.ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, Constants.NO_FILL); oBlueStyle.setVerticalAlignment(Constants.VERTICAL_TOP); oBlueStyle.setWrapText(true); oBlueStyle.setBorderBottom(Constants.BORDER_THIN); oBlueStyle.setBorderTop(Constants.BORDER_THIN); oBlueStyle.setBorderLeft(Constants.BORDER_THIN); oBlueStyle.setBorderRight(Constants.BORDER_THIN); Hope, this helps.