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Hello Team,

We are trying to intergate Aris process mining to Aris connect and while executing the below commonds as mentioned in the help section:

To create the application, you can use the tenant-management CLI tool stored in the following directory:

<ARIS installation>\server\bin\work\work_umcadmin_m\tools\bin\y-tenantmgmt.bat

Use the following command:

y-tenantmgmt.bat -s <ARIS host> -t <tenant> createMiningServer -u system -p manager -as "<API scope>" -aid <client key> -asec <secret key>

We are using cloud instance of both for process mining and Aris Connect. Since we are not using ACC, Where and How should we execute the above mentioned commands to intergate Aris process mining and Aris connect. 



by Julian Krumeich
Posted on Fri, 08/13/2021 - 12:54

Dear Bhavik,

Thank you for your question regarding how to connect ARIS Process Mining SaaS with your ARIS Cloud in order to perform Conformance Checks.

Please contact our support team. They will trigger the required actions together with our Cloud Operations to connect both systems.

Best regards



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