Hi @ all,

not sure if this article is correctly placed, but I have a question to the automatic deployment of Aris Express. We would like to distribute it without user interaction, but fail with the parameter / switches, even with local admin rights.

aris-express-setup.exe /S /V/qn  Setup will not be started

Aris Express EXE installs the msi installation package in %TEMP%-File of the user, these msi can be started via Windows-Installer (%Systemroot%\System32\msiexec.exe) but:

- java components will not be downloaded or

- desctop connections is not created (Failure: no connection to Aris Express 2.3)

Anybody know if there exist a installation package that can be started with "all-users", silent parameter works properly and / or the java components are included in the download file?


Thanks for any advice or recommendation!

M. Binninger


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