Hi All,

I have created a report in the WYSIWYG editor that shows all Person Type to Function relationships when run on an EPC model.

It then also gets the Person Type to Function relationships that occur on the assigned FAD models.  The issue is that then some of the results are duplicated if there is an occurence of the Person Type on both the EPC and the FAD. 

Does anyone know if these can be removed before they are written to the final report?


by Srinivas CH
Posted on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 07:07

Hi Betsy,

Please use "Unique" function to remove duplicates.

var list = new Array();
list = ArisData.Unique(list);

Thanks & Best Regards,


by Vivek Ingle
Posted on Fri, 10/04/2013 - 07:58

In reply to by nivas4310

Hi Srinivas CH,   As per you said above post below are the my code but its not work..   var SelectedLevelC =    ArisData.getSelectedDatabases()[0].Find(Constants.SEARCH_MODEL,LevelCProcessModelNum);          for (var i=0;i<SelectedLevelC.length;i++)     {         var UCObjOccMixed = SelectedLevelC[i].ObjOccListBySymbol(UseCaseSymbolNum)                         var NewSCDefArray = new Array           for (var i4=0; i4 < UCObjOccMixed.length;i4++)         {             NewSCDefArray = NewSCDefArray.push(UCObjOccMixed[i4].Name(g_nloc))          }         NewSCDefArray = ArisData.Unique(NewSCDefArray) } If I use instead of  push to concat and Name(g_nloc) to ObjDef()'s work but it not a proper output. not a unique... Still get Duplicate value...   it's give below error.. Cannot find function Name in object ArisObject ID 83g###1q####    Please give me a suggestion      Thanks & regards VIvek Ingle
by Srinivas CH
Posted on Fri, 10/04/2013 - 08:53

In reply to by vivek.ingle

Hi Vivek,

Please try the below code :

 for (var i=0;i<SelectedLevelC.length;i++)     {         var UCObjOccMixed = SelectedLevelC[i].ObjOccListBySymbol(UseCaseSymbolNum)                         var NewSCDefArray = new Array           for (var i4=0; i4 < UCObjOccMixed.length;i4++)         {             NewSCDefArray = NewSCDefArray.push(UCObjOccMixed[i4].ObjDef().Name(g_nloc))          }         NewSCDefArray = ArisData.Unique(NewSCDefArray) }   Best Regards, Srinivas
by Vivek Ingle
Posted on Fri, 10/04/2013 - 12:43

In reply to by nivas4310

Hi Srinivas CH

Still It's Get Error 

Cannot find function push in object 1

I also use instead of push to concat but doesn't work



vivek ingle



by Ellen Gambrell Pelletier
Posted on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 18:33

Betsy - if you are wanting to edit this in the WYSIWYG editor, you should switch to finding the relationships on the object definition level rather than the occurrence level. The relationship on the EPC and FAD should be the same, so it will only be printed once if it is run on the definition level.

by Betsy Buckley Author
Posted on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 22:23

Thanks Ellen and Srinivas,

The reason I was using occurrences was so that I could restrict by symbol type, but I think I might be able to restrict on connection type to have the same outcome

appreciate the help!

by Young-Ki Kim
Posted on Fri, 05/24/2019 - 06:49

Hi. All


I have found the reason of above problem. It was definition or occurrence level matter. I have resolved my above problem like this.


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