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I followed advice from a previous article on connecting Mashzone to an Access database. When testing the connection, I get the following error:


The following error occurred when connecting to database "psctest": [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application


I tried both the Microsoft Access and the Driver do Microsoft Access. I am using Windows 7 and Access 2003.



by Helmut Barro
Posted on Thu, 09/22/2011 - 08:02

Do you run a 64 bit version of Windows 7? If so, did you also install the 64bit version of MashZone? The 32bit version of MashZone could run into such troubles if it tries to access the 64bit architecture of the respective database drivers.

by Bob Jeffcott Author
Posted on Thu, 09/22/2011 - 14:13

Both are 64 bit.


by Helmut Barro
Posted on Thu, 09/29/2011 - 09:13

This looks to me to be some Windows administrative problem rather than a MashZone issue - the error message indicates that there is some architectural mismatch on your system regarding the 64bit and 32bit structures of Windows, the Access driver and/or the ODBC interface. Maybe some administrator should have a look into this on your local system.

by Bob Jeffcott Author
Posted on Thu, 09/29/2011 - 16:14

Would it matter that while my OS is 64 bit and Mashzone is 64 bit, my Access is 2003 32 bit?

by Helmut Barro
Posted on Fri, 09/30/2011 - 09:17

Yes, that is probably the problem.

Have you already tried to use a explicit 32bit ODBC DSN? When you use the normal ODBC administration in Windows 7, it opens up the 64bit version. You can access the 32bit version instead by calling

(windows folder)\syswow64\odbcad32.exe

Please create a DSN there, and use that DSN in MashZone for a try.

As far as I can see, there are no 64bit drivers for Access 2003 - there is a package of 64bit drivers for Access 2010, downloadable from the Microsoft support page, so if you really require the Access database, and the above mentioned workaround does not help you, you should think about an upgrade.


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