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I hope many of you on this forum group were able to attend IW2013, and if so, that you had the opportunity to meet Sylvia Buehler from Lufthansa who serves as the president for the European ARIS user group.  I would like to open for discussion the idea of planning events for this upcoming year.  I see the co-chairs for North American user group activity are Bridget Walsh and Donald Dillon, so I'd especially like to hear from them. 

Have you held live in-person events and/or would like to?  Is anyone interested in hosting meetings and/or presenting at one?  There are advantages to such an event as you can network and learn from peers as well as share your own best practices.  You can also collaborate around specific applications of ARIS in its many product formats as working groups as is done in Europe or as an extension to the work being done by the European group.

If you wish to respond offline, my email address is


Brian Johnson

North American liaison for the Adabas-Natural user groups

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