What type of Aris 7.2 model do I use to represent a BOM (Bill Of Materials)?
That depends on the abstraction level you are working on. For example, if you want to model it on a conceptual level, I would work with clusters.
On the other hand, if you want to create a database like representation, you might want to work with entity relationship model or even UML class diagram.
Typically a BoM type may be modelled in ARIS (like sales and marketing BoM or engineering BoM or palnning BoM) but an instance of a BoM (which is the actual BoM with the material numbers) should not be modeled in ARIS or any deisign time modeling tool. The ERP systems are much more well equipped to do that. I use to maintain a website called www.enterprisebom.com where I gave many examples but BoM is so much with planning that you do not want to do anything other than inside ERP or PDM tools