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Hi all

A user within my company has found an issue with ARIS Express showing the latest updated version of the model within the 'Recently Used Models' area of ARIS Express but when she clicks into the model it loads an older version?

I have tried to replicate this issue on my laptop but can’t understand why this may be happening?

If any of you have come across this issue before and could offer some advice it would be appreciated.



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Fri, 01/20/2012 - 21:03

The list of recent models points to the files on the harddisk you last opened. So your user probably forgot to save the updated model or replaced it on the harddisk with an older file version. An ARIS Express file (*.adf) only contains a single version - the one last saved to the disk. It works like the recent documents feature in Microsoft Office or any other app.

by pankaj adatia
Posted on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 18:43

In reply to by dtse

A colleague has the same issue the image on the recently saved shows a more updated workflow image than the actual workflow when it is opened in Aris Express v2.3

by Stefan Broadus
Posted on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 13:50


I am having a similar problem. In my recently used models, both the thumbnail and larger image when I hover over it show a preview of the model. I can see the last changes that I made (header) reflected in these two images, but when I open the model the header (and the last hour or so of other edits) are not there.

I was getting an error message when I tried to save. It said the system returned an error of "???". However, when I pushed save again, it seemed to work fine and did not return an error.



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