

We have just installed ARIS Business Publisher Server (the latest version/Service Release available on your website) and followed the installation process specified in the installation guide.


But when I try to access the URL for the Business Publisher http://servername:port number/business publisherI am getting an error message as shown below.


And also when I try to publish my database from the ARIS Business Architect for SAP 7.1, I am also getting an error message that unable to create export because connection to the Publisher Server does not exist.


Request you to please help us, if we need do any additional configuration that we might have missed.

 Please find attached screenshots for the error message 

I appreciate your help


Thanks and Regards


by john wayne
Posted on Tue, 09/28/2010 - 00:01


did you manage to resolve it? and how?



by Swati Rohatgi
Posted on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:55

Am facing the same, so it would be very helpful if you can share how it was resolved....

by Tamar Koenigsfeld-Nizan
Posted on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 09:12


could you share how this was solved, we have a similar problem with our instalation



by Denis Corbo
Posted on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 17:00

I use Aris Business Publisher Version : when I publish my database the procedures is well executed and then I unlock  the published file and everything seems to be fine until I try to acces it through WebPublisher !

The web publisher sees my database, user name and password are OK, I select the database and the BOOM !

I have an error HTTP 405

Help Please !



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