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Hi All,


Is it possible to solve this problem with MashZone, and if it is, how?

Problem description:

Usually, we automaticaly get some excels from Architect in wihich we have list of Risks and related controls. This excel we get every time when someone change some risks or related controls. This excel is automaticaly stored in some resource folder witch is availabe in MashZone and every time gets a new name, like ABA_Risk_Report_01-10.2009 or ABA_RISK_Report_1.11.2009.

So, I need to have some, let sey, drop down list in MashUp which will be automaticali refreshed with new excels stored in resource folder.

This is not the end :-(

We are also geting some excels form ARCM (ARCM_TestCase_Report) which must be filtered in MashUp with some data (Risk name) from excel which we get from ABA.


Thank you in advice.

Marko Gudelj

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 11:44

Hi Marko,

MashZone's data sources connect to a file of a given name. Another name indicates another file which might be structured differently. There is no mechanism to read files matching name patterns in a directory or similar.

Why don't you just append the new reports to an existing file? MashZone will receive the updates the next time it reads the source.

Alternativly, if you still need some kind of file based revision there could be a file named ABA_Risk_Report_current which is always read by MashZone. Whenever your report runs it outputs its result twice: 1 into the current for MashZone 2 into the revision. This way you clearly separate Analytics from revisioning.

by Marko Gudelj Author
Posted on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 13:16

Thank you Stephan!





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