Hi all,
I have problems with booting service of mashzone. So, when I try to boot it gives me "Error 3 - The system can not find the path specified"
I suppose that the problem may be the key that I have ...
Who can explain me why I can not boot a service?
Where can I get (I am an employee of IDS Scheer) the new licenses key, and how to change the license if you can not open the tool?
Hello Marko,
the error that you describe is not related to the licensing key. Please tell me the path where you have installed MashZone. Please tell me also the value of the environment variable 'MASHZONE_HOME'. (Start -> Execute -> 'cmd'. Type in 'set mash').
Please send me your logfiles (you can find them in the mashzone installation under system/tomcat/logs/)
The output of the console looks ok. That means you can start MashZone as an application.
Kind regards,
Jürgen Kirsch