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During import Toolset’s script (from version 7.0) in BA 7.1 we’ve got the next problem.

Is there any way to convert this script? Because ARIS converter works only for DB source…

Thank you in advance!


by Claudio Menezes
Posted on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 20:09

Hello Alexander,


Either in your PC or in your ARIS Business Server installation you should find the ARIS Script Converter 7.1 (Start -> All Programs -> ARIS Business Performance Edition -> Administration). That will do the job of converting your script.






by Alexander Cherednichenko
Badge for 'Answermachine' achievement
Posted on Wed, 10/07/2009 - 08:10

In reply to by ivo

Hi Claudio!

I know it should be but we have that we have…


by Claudio Menezes
Posted on Thu, 10/08/2009 - 23:04

In reply to by mxbarn1

Hi Alexander,


Actually, I was paying more attention to your question and now realized that you are talking about a VBscript whereas the Business Architect uses Javascripts. So the conversion won't be possible even if you had the ARIS Script Converter available in your installation.

In this case, if you want to use the script in the BA, you'll need to create a new code using JavaScript.




by Francois Du Toit
Posted on Wed, 08/03/2011 - 07:54


I know this reply is VERY late, but I thought it might still be relevant for other people looking at converting much older scripts...

The way to get the script converter is to install the Toolset, once you do that you get the ARIS Script converter on your start menu. It would also be usefull to note that ARIS 7.2 does not have the Toolset available anymore, so this option would only be available up to v7.1.

Once you convert the script(which replaces the original script), it actually just updates the version number. You can then import the VB script into the Architect. You will then get the option to import the VB code or convert the VB code into Java code.

I hope this helps.


Francois du Toit

by Jaroslaw Kownacki
Posted on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 08:10


I had the same issue - solution is that simple that it is hard to belive. If You open VB script - at the top You'll have something like 6.2.x

It is enought to change it into (in my case) 7.2.x and vuala - it is possible to import (and convert) VB script into Java script in newest version of aris :-) :-)

by Jaroslaw Kownacki
Posted on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 08:11

I forgot to mention - You have to open script in Text editor of course.



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