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Importing ARIS Express .adf to ARIS has been a feature since at least ARIS 7.2. Exporting .bpmn at least since the ARIS 9 series, possibly even in 7.2. You can do both in ARIS Architect.
4 Replies
Yes, certainly - assuming your .adf contains a BPMN 2.0 diagram. You import that to ARIS. Then ARIS can export the BPMN 2.0 diagram to .bpmn.
Thanks for response.
Could you explain which component and version support this opportunity? -
Importing ARIS Express .adf to ARIS has been a feature since at least ARIS 7.2. Exporting .bpmn at least since the ARIS 9 series, possibly even in 7.2. You can do both in ARIS Architect.