Hi there, I am new to ARIS Mashzone. So maybe one of you rembers how it was to use the time filters the first time. Is there a tutorial on how to use time filters? Or any more extended help / explaination than the few bullet points in the Mashzone help? Thanks, Best Regards, Burkhard

by Burkhard Pfeil Author
Posted on Wed, 01/30/2013 - 18:50

Hi Rune,


Thanks. However this did not help. The following was useful to get a step further

- check the excel-sheet used as source for the data feed and make sure the data format in the column in excel is "date"

- check in the mash zone in the data feed --> box source excel file -->  configure column --> check if the Box "Text" is NOT marked for the date column you want to use for the filter


NEXT question: How to I change the Time filter box to be able to select days  or weeks for fitering?


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