Hi all,
Hopefuly someone can help me with this!
How can I show tree of objects and models from a certain database in a dialog box with script?
Every one of them to have option to be selected by the user, with possibility of multiple selections
Thank you!
Maybe this could help you:
Dialogs.showDialog(new myDialog(), Constants.DIALOG_TYPE_ACTION, "Just a test") function myDialog(){ this.getPages = function() { var iDialogTemplate1 = Dialogs.createNewDialogTemplate(600, 300, "First page"); iDialogTemplate1.PushButton(15, 20, 150, 30, "Select Models", "btn1"); iDialogTemplate1.PushButton(15, 80, 150, 30, "Select Objects", "btn2"); return [iDialogTemplate1]; } this.btn1_pressed = function(){ var userModel = Context.BrowseArisItems("Select an model", "Select an model to edit (...) .", Constants.CID_MODEL); // Do Something } this.btn2_pressed = function(){ var userObject = Context.BrowseArisItems("Select an object", "Select an object to edit (...) .", Constants.CID_OBJDEF); // Do Something } }
If the user should only see one database you can use this code:
var userModel = Context.BrowseArisItems("Select a model", "Select a model for XYZ", Context.getSelectedDatabases()[0], Constants.CID_MODEL);
I hope this is what you looking for..