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I have a database data feed that is extracting these values when I execute the data feed in Composer:


My MashApp does not display it in this sequence.  It does this:

Here is the MashApp in Composer with Sorting set to None:

We are running MashZone  Would anyone have suggestions on how to correct this?


Best regards,


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 05/27/2011 - 09:49

Hi Carl,

I am afraid, there is currently no way to do so in MashZone as it sorts lexicographically. To avoid sorting {1,10,11,...,2,3,...} instead of {1,2,3,...,10,11,...} you may insert trailing zeros into your age column.

Your data base might support a statement to do so. Alternatively you could do it in MashZone as your ages have a two digit maximum.

  1. Make age a numerical column (to filter for values lower than 10)
  2. Insert a helper column of type text.
  3. Set the value of the helper column to "0" in each row where age is lower than 10 - the replace value operator enables you to do so
  4. Convert age's data type back to text
  5. Concatenate the text of your helper column with the values of the age column
  6. Delete the helper
  7. Done, you'll have rows like {01,02,...,10,11,...}




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