Hello ARIS Community and @Eva Klein,
Is there a way to (maybe configuration in ARIS Architect) to get the values of the attributes of the objects to automatically display next to their objects on the canvas, so we don’t have to drag them from the to drag them from the Details panel?
You started the conversation here https://ariscommunity.com/users/alexandranicolae/2021-02-22-how-define-and-show-attributes-specific-object but it doesn’t get to the level of detail we need.
Hello Carlos,
You can define the attributes via a Template configuration, as explained in the attached files. After the Template is applied, new created objects (processes in my example) with a defined Name and Identifier are placed on a model as defined in the Template.
Best regards,
Quite right. And on top of that: You can prescribe the application of a template for each model type. So you could define an EPC to use Template A and a Value added chain diagram to use Template B. This makes more sense, when you have multiple model types which use identical symbols or connections but should display different sets of attributes by default.