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Hi everyone, today I am going to explain why ARIS is a basic tool for transformation based on the particularities of my country (Mexico).


As you may know, ARIS is made for companies with different locations, for example Mexico is a very big country, thousands of kilometers have to be covered from one branch office to another. In this scenario ARIS helps companies to maintain a unique source of truth and to correctly visualize all of the different components.


I have seen companies in Mexico with different processes from one branch to another in the same region, so ARIS is key to keep the good practices.


Another example is that most of the companies in Mexico are inherited from father to son, this causes many times in the company to get lost in the new challenges and most of them break just after a couple of months. So in this scenario ARIS can help to maintain what is more important to the company The Process and also to build value for the next generations.


Let us remember that companies are a gathering of processes, so the key processes determine the success of the companies


So what is the particularity in your country?

Thank you.

Carlos V.



by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 08:55

Hi Carlos,

I believe for many European countries, no matter the industry, regulatory requirements are one of the driving factors for ARIS and process management. These regulatory requirements can be related to laws, regulations, or standards: They require companies to have documented processes in place. 
Today, there are many companies that have achieved a good process maturity, while others are still on their way.
Also, thanks to topics like RPA and process mining, I beleive that the discipline of process management is becoming even more important.

How do you see this?



by Carlos Valenzuela Author
Posted on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 22:41

Thank you for the reply Veronika.

Indeed, the regulatory laws in Europe influence big part of how ARIS is structured. Specially after the Covid pandemic companies in America's region started to understand the importance of having a BPM.


Best regards.


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