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Does anybody know how to add an attrbute occurrence using a script? I do not see any method to do so in the help guides. I can access already placed attribute occurrences, but not place one myself.

I looked at the Create method on the AttrOcc class, but then the AttrOcc needs to be there already.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Francois du Toit

by Misha Akopov
Posted on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 14:49


var attrocc =objoccs[i].AttrOcc(68309).Create(Constants.ATTROCC_RIGHT,db.defaultFontStyle());
            attrocc.SetOffset(450, 30)
            attrocc.setTextBoxSize(500, 200)  

by Misha Akopov
Posted on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 14:51




Did you mean this ? the script places attribute on the object with coordinates

45, 3

With textbox size 50 , 20 .

by Francois Du Toit Author
Posted on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 15:43

Hi Misha,

Thank you for the quick response and the correct answer! I tried your method and it worked 100%.

I could not think to use the AttrOcc then the Create commands, as the AttrOcc should not exist at that stage... But seeing it like this makes a bit more sense.

Thanks again.

Kind regards,

Francois Du Toit


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