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Hi Guys,

Why is there no Column manipulation methods in ARIS script classes?

I create a fixed number of columns for a specific content type in the Excel template file, I then want to remove (delete) the columns that was not used for content.

When you look at the Sheet class in ARIS scripting, you will find methods for row manipulation, but litlle to nothing around column manipulation.

I use an Excel template using this command:

        var xlsTemplateData = Context.getFile("Template.xls", Constants.LOCATION_SCRIPT)

I can delete rows with:

sheet.removeRow ( XlsRow p_row )

but NO removeColumn command exist..

Any ideas?





by Francois Du Toit Author
Posted on Sun, 11/18/2012 - 22:17


After some reading I found that the Classes they use for Excel is the POI classes, and that these classes do not have any column based manipulation, so this seems to not to be a Software AG/ARIS oversight, but rather the available tools used. I did find some work arounds suggested, but they did not work in my testing.

I will continue looking for a solution and will share my findings here :)

Please let me know if you find a working solution in ARIS scripting, but for now, the users will have to delete the unwanted columns manually :(






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