I am trying to import the BPMN 2.0 compliant process from ARIS SOA Architect (7.2) to OBPM 11g (
The SOA -> share blueprint option is disabled when I select a BPMN 2.0 compliant process.
How do I get the option enabled ? - I have tried by generating a model from BPMN 2.0 service into BPMN 1.x. This enabled the SOA option, but the process was terribly askew.
Please advice if there is another approach to import the BPMN 2.0 process from ARIS to OBPM 11g ?
I understand the Oracle Tutor can be used to export the XPDL from ARIS and import into OBPM. This is giving an error in the process on OBPM end.
Any advice or pointers will be appreciated.
From my experience on the SOA Architect tool, there is not direct way to port models to OBPM using 'Share Blueprint' option.
XPDL export of BPMN 2.0 models is not applicable as Oracle Tutor does not support it yet.
XPDL export of BPMN 1.x models is not available with the SOA Architect tool.
Exporting models as xml and porting them to other intermediate tools is necessary to port the models to OBPM 11g.
This is the situation atleast until SoftwareAG comes up with a 'share blueprint' option currently slated to release by end of 2012.
Kindly confirm/correct me if I missed anything.
Thanks in advance,