Hy to everybody,
I would like to report the following anomaly, with use of Aris Business Architect or Aris Business Desginer. Sometimes some labels (titles) on the aris’s diagram (like EPC or EPCs), are displayed in german language, although we have italian language licenses. Now, we are using ARIS with release : . How can we resolve this problem ? Are there some fix with 7.1 release of ARIS ? Thank you in advance Charly4 Replies
Hi Steven,
you are probably talking about the "method language". ARIS has 3 different language settings:
- interface language (i.e. language used for all menus)
- database language (i.e. language you use to name your models and objects)
- method language (i.e. language used for officially naming model types, object types, attribute types, etc.)
Interface language and method language are client specific, but database language is a central setting defined for each database.
To change the method language, choose from the main menu: View -> Options -> General (in the tree on the left). In this dialog you can change both languages. This works in ARIS Business Architect and ARIS Business Designer.
Thank you for your answer, even if unfortunately I would like to signal to you that setting the 3 different language options to Italian an anomaly is introduced . When I require a new model, the list visualized of the models is in German language (es: EPK(splatendarstellung)) and also the labels of the model EPC. If i set ( all 3 options) the English language , Aris Bus. Architect works correctly. Now, You can understand our difficulty to work with a mix of Italian and German language.
Thanks still
Hi Steven,
it might be that there is no Italian translation for the method language available. If no translation is available, always the German version is displayed. I'm not sure if there should be an Italian version of the method language. Please contact our support hotline so that they can figure this out for you.
Anyway, thanks for bringing up this issue.
Hi Sebastian,
I was Google it a problem and i found you talking something about that.
Where I’m working they provided me ARIS Designer with English language as filter, so I design process in Spanish with that filter. Then I had to translate the process to English, but this time was with Spanish filter, so I design the process in different language filters. (database language)
So my question is, can I interchange the process for some easy and quickly way? Or just I have to do it manually.
thanks in advance.
Regards and sorry if my English is not perfect.