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The amount of data and information you need to take into consideration to make valuable decisions is changing and growing every single day. So why not make this data a valuable asset and use all the information that’s available to you?

With ARIS Aware, you can gain clear insights at every level of your enterprise, even into the most complex and dynamic business landscapes.

Learn more about high-quality analysis of data and key performance indicators, context-sensitive and self-explaining visualization of information from a variety of sources and our ready-to-use templates for customization.

Take the chance and be the first do see live how you can enrich your ARIS data with information from different external sources to gain clear insights into your business processes and to manage the digital future of your enterprise.

The German and English webinars are scheduled as follows:

Register now and learn more about ARIS Aware!

by Vassiliki Spentzou
Posted on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 10:51

Dear helen

although i had registered to attend this webinar i did not manage.So could you pls indicate where to find the recording?

Thank you in advance



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