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***Submit your idea and win: 1 of 5 Amazon Echo Dots!***

What’s on my calendar today?

What’s the traffic like from here to the airport?

What did Donald Trump do today?

What’s on my shopping list for Christmas?

These are questions that are easy to answer for Alexa, the brain behind the Amazon Echo series. Alexa is changing the way we interact with the world and is making our life more convenient, organized, and fun. It can be a personal assistant, to-do-list manager, fitness coach, concierge, shopper or DJ — there are almost no limitations and every time you add a new skill, Alexa gets a new ability.

So don’t we broaden Alexa’s mind – by not only making it valuable for our private life but also for the business world? What if Alexa would interact directly with ARIS to get you the information you need even if you don’t have access to your ARIS portal in that moment? What if Alexa would answer questions like “Which process step took the longest?” or “What are the processes for the role of an accountant?”

These examples are just scratching the surface of how speeched-based interactions are coming to our daily business. We want to create new experiences for Alexa. Participate in our contest, help us build the future of speeched-based interactions and win 1 of 5 Amazon Echo Dots!!! Here’s how:

  1. GET READY! Participating in this contest is easy: you don't need an Amazon Echo or another virtual assistant speaker at your desk, all you need is a creative mind. The contest invites you to brainstorm:

    In an ARIS context, what would YOU ask Alexa for?

  2. HOW TO WIN? We’re looking for the most useful and most creative idea with relevance for the daily business in the ARIS world.
    • Wrack your brain about questions that you (or an imaginary person in your mind) would ask Alexa about ARIS content (from ARIS Architect, Connect, PPM, Aware, Repository or much more).
    • Submit your idea by writing a simple blog post with 2-3 questions in the "BPM is fun" group within ARIS Community.
    • Start your questions with “Alexa, ask ARIS…” and name the role or job title of the person who would ask these questions (e.g. Business Process Owner, CEO, Financial Assistant…). That’s it!

  3. Example: A Customer Journey Owner wants to know:
    • Alexa, ask ARIS: Where do I have risks and initiatives? 
    • Alexa, ask ARIS: Which channels are used most in the journeys I am responsible for? 
    • Alexa, ask ARIS: Which customer journey is the most critical? 

  4. Deadline for contest submissions is December 31, 2017 at 12:00 am CET. Once the contest is closed, a panel of independent judges will determine the winners until 5th of January 2018.

Are you as excited as we are? The good news: you can increase your chance to win by submitting as many ideas as you want - as long as they are significantly different. Check out our contest rules to learn more.

Need some inspiration? Check out this 6-minute-demo of ARIS & Alexa.

I am very excited about your submissions! Good luck,


by Clyde Livingston
Posted on Tue, 01/02/2018 - 02:19

Alexa, ask ARIS…

What are the critical processes for 2018 aligned to overall Strategy?

How well are these processes performing to deliver business outcomes?

What is the process maturity to all processes defined?


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