The next live session of our ARIS 10 webinar series is coming: Scenario Planning - Choose the Right Business Setting. On July 3, at 2:00 pm you will learn more about the simulation of business process scenarios with ARIS.
Changing business processes or their settings is always risky. The interdependencies to many business aspects such as the organizational structure, resources or systems can be very complex. Finally, the effects of changes cannot easily be predicted by a process analyst or process expert.
In this session, Tom Thaler from ARIS Product Management at Software AG will show you how different business process scenarios can easily be simulated and compared using ARIS. See how easy it is to identify the best working variant with regards to time and cost efficiency as well as customer and employee satisfaction.
The session lasts about 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session. You can register for free for this or several webinars of the program. If you are interested but you cannot make it at that time, don't stress: Each registrant will receive the recording of the webinar afterwards.