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Weren’t able to attend the 2018 North America User Groups in San Francisco or Austin? No problem, we’re bringing them to New York City and Chicago!

Please join us for the 2018 Software AG North America User Groups, taking place in New York City on September 17th and Chicago on September 19th. Participation in the user groups is free of charge for customers! So pass along the invite.

Share best practices

At the user groups, customers will have the opportunity to network with their peers, gain insight into technology challenges, share best practices for design & development, as well as get the latest product training/education from Software AG and communicate one-on-one with Software AG experts. There will be informative, thought-provoking general session presentations and breakout track sessions based on product type.

Why attend?

There are numerous reasons to attend the North America User Groups! Here are just a few:

  • Platform for networking with your peers
  • Learn tips and tricks
  • Share best practices for design & development
  • Gain direct access to Software AG experts
  • Access to customer presentations and exchange of experiences
  • Opportunity to give Input into product changes and enhancement

Breakout Sessions:

- in New York City for Alfabet, ARIS, webMethods and Adabas & Natural

- in Chicago for Alfabet, ARIS and webMethods.

Register today for New York City or Chicago!

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