Hello Community,

I'am using ARIS Cloud for BPMN modelling. I created tasks with data objects. The data objects are classified as input and output. The font size of the data objects is 14. I can see the full text of the data objects in ARIS Cloud and the View Publication. When I print the BPMN as a PDF-File, the size of the data object is not correctly adopted and the texts are not complete. I have also made screenshots that I can send. For me this is a big problem because I don't get what I see. It would be great if you can help me.

Thanks a lot

First: Published Content at ARIS

Second: PDF-File

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 13:58

Usually we can print models using the option 'Print Graphic as PDF' and will pop up some print settings, which options do you use for?



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