Buenas Tardes,

Nrecesito saber si hay algun tipo de conectividad o integracion estandar entre ARIS y GRC especificamente con Process control.

by Frank Engelbert
Posted on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 20:24

Buen dia Cielo,

there is no automatic synchronization between ARIS Business Architect and SAP Process Control. However, you can export ARIS processes with risks and controls into XLS or XLM, and from there import into Process Control. If you have ARIS Business Publisher, you can also provide URL links that launch the original process models from within any other system. 

Also, ARIS has its own GRC Process Control, which is called ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager, one of the leading tools for Enterprise GRC. So if your use case is to manage your organization's entire Business Architecture, as opposed to focusing on GRC controlling an SAP application, you may wanna look into this.

Let me know if you need further information.


by Cielo Garcia Author
Posted on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 22:40


Thanks a lot. The answer was clear.



by Pablo Lagos Morales
Posted on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 15:35


A parte de la exportación e importación de riesgos y controles entre ARIS Business Architect y SAP GRC Process Control. Que otra ventaja y/o forma de fusionar estas herramienta existe?. de antemano gracias por sus respuestas.




A part of the export and import of risks and controls between ARIS Business Architect and SAP GRC Process Control. What is another advantage and / or way to merge these tools exist?. Thanks in advance for your answers.






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