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Can someone please explain in detail how to use the "use-new-output" and also how to use the new office formats in scripts. I have notice the output formats can be set - OutputXLSX, OutputDOCX - but how can we use this in the scripts, specially as the standard output even for the standard aris scripts available.

The BeginTable for example is part of the StandarAPIOutput how can I use this when using the ExtendedOutputObject.

In some other posts the TOC is missing when using the "use-new-output", sureley something extra needs to be done in order the have a TOC with the new output?





by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 21:52

Hi Ciska,

to use the new output object paste the following command into your script code:

Context.setProperty("use-new-output", true); 




by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Wed, 06/27/2012 - 06:01

Hi Jens,

Thank you but I know this command, the problem is when using this command or even when changing it in the config file to true, there is no TOC and commands like begintable does not work. I want to know what else needs to be done and also how can I utilize OutputXLSX and OutputDOCX.

Just for interest sake, I have added this command to the standard script Create Process Manual and it actually breaks at a begintable statement.....


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 06:48


Does someone have any feedback on this, or at least got it working?


by Nikolai Zorin
Posted on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 06:43


I tried using new output to extract external file from the 'Documentation' attribute but the formatting of the whole report was ruined. I would appreciate if someone can give an advice on how to fix it.


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 06:42


Can someone share some light on how to succesfully use the use-new-output and also how to use OutputXLSX and OutputDOCX?

Thank you


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 06:29


I suppose output to xlsx in ARIS is not working, although claimed to be. I have tried everything possible acording to my knowledge as no working solution is available or made available.

By changing the setting in the config file (<report use-new-output="true" />) will enable the new office formats but only for docx, which is available as selection when creating reports, xlsx is not.

Changing the output format in the script by using Context.setSelectedFormat(Constants.OutputXLSX) - not working. Used the workbookobject by writing directly to excel (Context.createExcelWorkbook) - not working as well. Using a pre-defined xlsx template for each script in order to output to xlsx, haven't tried that, but is that really the way to go in order to get an output to xlsx for each script? I don't think so.

Surely if claimed that ARIS can ouput to xlsx why is it so difficult to do so? Is there a missing jar file, or wrong version of a jar file installed in the ARIS directory?


by Brooke Baker
Posted on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 01:01

Hi Ciska,

Did you get any resolution on this problem? I am having the same issues (and more).

Kind regards,


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 05:28

Hi Brooke,

No, nothing at all, and also no response since my last post. I also experience problems when using the new word formats (docx) so I've reverted back by setting the (<report use-new-output="false" />).

All of our clients are using either Office 2007 or Office 2010, and by using the old office formats are causing issues (like colours for example).

It would be nice if we could get some answers regarding this - for both xlsx and docx! Not sure if the latest version of Aris 7.2 addresses these issues, maybe Aris 9.....



by Galvin Widjaja
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 06:00

I've got this to work.

for docx, "Context.setSelectedFormat" does not work, but createOutputObject does. So I use this.


Context.setProperty("use-new-output", true);
oldname = Context.getSelectedFile()
newname = oldname + "x"
var oOutput = Context.createOutputObject( Constants.OutputDOCX, newname)

I've also tried this with Output XLSX format. It works perfectly.


However, this means that the stock code needs to be rewritten. For example, the global header and footer text we so often take from WYSIWYG reports becomes very ugly and needs to be rewritten. 


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 06:25

Hi Galvin,

Thanks, will give your suggestion a try. What version of ARIS do you use?


by Galvin Widjaja
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 06:36

I'm using ( 2011_02), so pretty old. 

by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 06:48

Hi Galvin,

Had a quick test, a xlsx output is generated the only thing, the colours are missing. For example the heading columns background is yellow, it turns out to be black when outputting to xlsx. This is for all formatting, text, background and so forth.

Unless I'm missing something?


by Galvin Widjaja
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 08:19

The fix for me was that I used the rgb function that is saved in every WYSIWYG report. Using that to directly define the background colour seems to work.


function RGB(r, g, b) {
	return (new java.awt.Color(r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0,1)).getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF
by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 08:35

Strange.... I have tried the RGB as well without any success. Is that to Excel or to Word?

Not that I think that this might be relevant, I'm using Office 2010.


by Ciska de Jager Author
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 08:38

The Colours are working when output to Word, not to Excel it seems......

by Galvin Widjaja
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 09:56

Hi Ciska,

You're right, I tested it on docx successfully. It doesn't seem to work for excel. the table is set to a background of black, although the rest of the sheet is set to no background)

The only background "colour" that works is "Constants.C_TRANSPARENT"



Also tried

  1. outexcel (doesn't work at all) 
  2. outxlsm (doesn't work at all)



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