We are in the process of architecturally mapping all our IT infrastructure against strategic/tactical plans and would like to use ARIS. We currently have systems, interfaces, data(used, input & output)and locations modeled on the logical level. The issue we currently face is how to map from vision to goals to initiatives to affected infrustructure and, in addition, show technology roadmaps using a time-line. I'd also like to show a comparitive vendoer/manufac. roadmap for the same technology to provide views for management.
Has anyone been able to acheive this using ARIS (BA or ITA) or should we rater use another product like visio?
Hi Colin,
we in Tetrapak have been working on mapping the evolution of our Product & Technology Portfolio over the next 10 yrs and showing the relevant interaction as well as the impact on the Corporate strategy and "vision".
Of course I do thing you can do the same for IT "portfolio".
I have used and still using Aris BA and then developed "macros" ad hoc in order to achieve our goal. It takes some time but the result and the flexibility in data management and maintenance you will have at the end is not comparable with Visio.
Feel free to contact me directly.