Need to export into set format to import into Blueworks. Export received: .xml.
Provides error when attempting to import:
· Invalid XPDL 2.1 format
· XPDL is missing required information, such as ID's
Any help, reasons, advice etc. would be highly appreciated.
Hello Mr. Laas,
How did you export your BPMN model? You should use the .bpmn export feature. The XML export feature of ARIS is only suitable for transferring content from ARIS to ARIS, as it uses a proprietary XML format.
Hopefully Blueworks can understand standard BPMN 2.0 files? XPDL 2.1 is outdated since BPMN 2.0. Even XPDL 2.2 only supports a subset of BPMN 2.0 and is only intended to save peoples lives into the BPMN 2.0 era where extensive XPDL investment exists. ARIS only supports standard BPMN 2.0 export.
Regards, M. Zschuckelt