I need to assign risks to activities in BPMN modeling in ARIS. I cannot assign risks directly in the BPMN diagram as I would do in EPC.
From my understanding and by the ARCM modelling conventions, I am creating Function Allocation Diagrams to accomplish that. However I cannot assign BPMN activities but only ARIS functions while modelling trough ARIS Connect.
A way to overcome that is to add an ARIS function symbol as occurrence in the FAD and connect the risk to it. But this is not the best way because: 1) I am using a different symbol from that on the process diagram 2) Not able to use the convenient way of creating the FAD as new from the assignment option in the process diagram; this will open the new FAD diagram with an occurence of the BPMN activity but not connectable to anything,
Using the ARIS Architect client, I could do this connection, but it doesn't appear in model exhibition in ARIS Connect. It appears on model edition in Connect but not editable.
Ideally I should be able to add the BPMN activiy symbol and connect from it.
Is there a way to make this happen?
I need to assign risks to activities in BPMN modeling in ARIS. I cannot assign risks directly in the BPMN diagram as I would do in EPC.
From my understanding and by the ARCM modelling conventions, I am creating Function Allocation Diagrams to accomplish that. However I cannot assign BPMN activities but only ARIS functions while modelling trough ARIS Connect.
A way to overcome that is to add an ARIS Function symbol as occurrence in the FAD and connect the risk to it. But this is not the best way because:
- I am using a different symbol from that one that is on the process diagram;
- I am not able to benefit from the convenient way of creating the FAD as new from the assignment option in the process diagram; this will open the new FAD diagram with an occurrence of the BPMN activity but not connectable to anything.
Using the ARIS Architect client, I could do this connection, but it doesn't appear in model exhibition in ARIS Connect. It appears on model edition in Connect but it is not editable. Furthermore it reports errors in semantic checks,
Ideally I should be able to add the BPMN activity symbol and connect from it.
Is there a way to make this happen the intended way? Any help/guidance will be appreciated.
Attached some examples in pictures:
A FAD where the ARIS function was used to assign to risk
A FAD where I managed to connect the BOMN function in Architect
The same diagram in published and edit mode where it is possible to see the connection in edit, but not in published despite the relationship is appearing in the properties/atributes panel on the right.