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I have created a couple of fairly complicated WYSIWYG reports which I would like to modify slightly. Specifically I would like to skip over empty attributes that haven't been filled out and not display empty sections. The problem is I can no longer edit the report in WYSIWYG mode once the code has been changed. So I would like to keep a copy of the original WYSIWYG report around for reference. I tried to get around the issue by making copies of the WYSIWYG reports and modify the code of the copies. However I can't seem to find a way to copy the reports properly. The code doesn't run if copied verbatim to the new report. I also tried saving the original report as a template and creating a new report using the template. Only part of the code is in the new report, for example, the table of content is gone. Any help would be appreciated.

by Abhijit Das
Posted on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 04:45

Hi Cheuk,

Export the report and import the report in another report category folder.

that way you can get the code alongwith string tables


Abhijit Das



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