I have developed an java extension (.jar file) 2 years before, this java application are stored in the past on the folder ..\LOCALSERVER\jre\lib\ext and its work fine.
But after the installation of ARIS server 10.0.16 and i have copied the same java executable (compiled with JDK1.8) in ..\LOCALSERVER\jre8\lib\ext
But now I have an error on the line
var classimp = new Packages.caat.CAATConnector();
Do you have any idea to correct the problem ?
Thanks for your help
Hi Pascal,
the way you add the jar extension to the report is not how it should be done. Just add the jar to the report's category and then use the report's properties (first page "General", button "Advanced..." -> imported files) to define the jar as an import of your report.
BR, Torsten