
I am new to the ARIS community, and fairly new to ARIS software so please excuse me if this question is very simple for some of you out there, but I would love your help.

I need to be able to print (or create a report) of a VACD (high level process model) and all the EPC's (detailed process models) assigned to that VACD.  I need the actual image of each model, with a few minimal attributes such as model name & description.   How do I do this?

I'm not sure if this matters, but currently, our group structure is such that the EPC's are filed in a "Process Library" group, and the VACD's are filed in a different group.  This means the VACD and the assigned EPC's are not located in the same group folder. 

Can anyone help please?

Thank you in advance.





by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 16:54

Hi Jeanette!

You have two ways to archive this:

1) If you have programming skills in JavaScript, you can write a ARIS report script, which will create you such information output e.g. as a Word document.

2) If you are not familiar in programming there is a assistent called Report Designer. You can use this assistent to create simple report scripts:

Both you find in the "Script" module of your ARIS Architect. 

To use the Report Designer view, navigate also to "Scripts" module, and create a new report. Then you will find the option "Use report script template (design view)" to open the Report Designer view.


by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 18:47

Hello Jeannette,

a good place to start with Aris scripting is the tutorial and collection of sample scripts here

as well as the Reports & Macros in ARIS group

In an earlier posts I suggested a report script design for a similar evaluation of the assignment structure of related models. Some more details are here and here

With ARIS Report script wizard or graphical editor you should be able as well  to evaluate the EPC assigned to a function in your VACD.

Regards, Martin


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