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Hi all,

in our Functions Views Library we have 250 objects - our apllications/systems. These will typically hold attributes to show System Name and a System id.

In another SQL-based system, we also have these systems. Here were have infomation on servers, environments, system owners etc.

We would like to create an interface that auto-updates the objects in ARIS every night. We would probably have to go and configure objects attributes on the Application System Type object to be used.

But are there any good tools, macros or reports we can use? Or do we have to interface the "god old gashioned" way with a progammed interface holding the mappings.

Your input will be appreciated!

Regards Carsten

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 15:50

Hello Carsten,

with macros and reports you are on the right way. But I doubt if we already have scripts that completely cover your requirements and expectations. I assume you have special attributes in mind and also the mapping between the content of the two source systems is unique for different customers.

To develop such a auto-update mechanism should not be a big thing. From my experience the most part of the work has to be done to define the methodical mapping. The implementation of the needed scripts takes only a little part of the efforts.

I think in our Enterprise Architecture solution (ARIS IT Architect) there might be some examples as input for you. Also to have a closer look to our IT Inventory and the way it works would make sense.

by Carsten Wolff Author
Posted on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:11

Thanks a lot for your comments, Uwe.

I will try to look into the examples you mention.

Regards Carsten


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