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Sorry I'm totally new and don't know where to post so I'll just open this article. Hope You can halp me.

I just installed the ARIS Express. Unfortunately I choosed "skip" to the desktop integration warning (didn't know what a desktop integration is. Normally its better to say no when you don't know what will happen...)

Now I have 2 problems:

When I execute the express.jnlp the app is running.

1. But I can't start it with double clicking on one of my modells. When I choose the express.jnlp out of the programms list, nothing is happening.

2. When I define a link from one attribut to another modell which I saved on my disk, I get the errormessage that my operating system does not allow the access.

I hope you can give me some tipp the solve my problems.

Thanks in advance!



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 07/06/2011 - 11:44

Hi Dominik.

This is easy:

  1. open the system panel, where you can find "Java". Open this Java panel, and on the first page of this upcoming dialog, in the lower section, you can find "temporary internet files".
  2. If you click the "show" button, you will see a list of all installed webstart applications.
  3. On ARIS Express, just do a right-click to show the context menu, and choose "install shortcut".

This will install the icon on your desktop and also creates the file type assignement.




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