Hi, I'm hoping someone out there may have seen this or be able to provide an explanation as to why it may be occuring.

We have the ARIS for SAP connector setup and working, and have synchronised a couple of projects into our ARIS database from SOLMAN (note: we only have a one way sync with ARIS as the target).

We have a 'library' folder group setup where the synchronised objects are defined in ARIS.

The modellers then take occurence copies of the objects in these libraries and paste them into the full EPC models we capture our business processes within. Assigned to functions in our EPCs are FAD models which contain the Transaction Code object (represented by the Screen object in our filter) Function and documentation objects copied from the library folders.

We have noticed that after the initial project import to ARIS, that any sync's that are performed on the content (updated in SOLMAN) seem to be synchronising to the FAD models attached to our EPC's and NOT into the library folder (EPC and FADs) definition copies of these objects.

Has anyone seen this occur before, or have an idea as to why it may be happening?

Please note that all function objects synchronised from SOLMAN are still definition copies in the library folder models, but new or changed transactions for example, that are connected to those functions are then changed in the business process EPCs (occurence copy of the function) not the library folder.

Thanks in advance



by Dharmesh Mahnot
Posted on Fri, 10/14/2011 - 06:04

Hi Daniel,

Use Shortcuts for all the occurence copies.

Limitation of Shorcut

Only One Shortcut can be used in same Model.

Hope this helps

Dharmesh Mahnot

by Carmen Jacobs
Posted on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 03:06

Hi Daniel,

as you synchronise from SAP SolMan to ARIS, you will have to go with how Solution Manager is set up, however, Dharmesh is right in that way that SAP SolMan can support short cuts. They are represented in ARIS as occurrence copies and hence avoid double ups with documentations and change request management as you would currently have.

The effect you get with the location of the FAD has something to do with your synchronisation concept and how you model. I would need to see it to be able to get the full picture and would be able to advise on it.

It looks like you need to review how you are doing the modelling and where you are synchronising from. There seem to be some double ups with the way you maintain the models.

It's a bit too much for this forum here, I believe.

Best regards,



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