We have had trouble with our Publisher system locking while under a high volume of active users.

In an attempt to resolve this long term, we haev been building an ARIS 7.2 installation on a seperate server for testing.

Our current system uses the Derby database but we had received a suggestion that SQL would be more stable for our use base (up to 100 concurrent users).

Can anyone here comment on the pros and cons of using the Derby database versus SQL database? (I've had conflicting suggestions from the folks I've talked with to date and would like further feedback to identify an consensus)

by Abhijit Das
Posted on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 16:47

Hi Darcy,

As you have said in your first line you are having trouble under a high volume of active users. So it is clear SQL server or Oracle would be better for you. As they are more stable and better for high volume. If your footprint is small than derby database would be better for cost vs benefit. But for high number of active users it is better to use SQL server or Oracle. I assume your network architecture is not playing any trick here.

Also have a look at the installation manual for memory management/tuning in ABP.



Abhijit Das

by Boris Borchev
Posted on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 13:29

According to the admin guide, Derby database can be used for up to 10 users simultaneously viewing the export content. So, for larger number of users you should install MS SQL Server or Oracle.

by Stuart Holtby
Posted on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 16:04

Can anyone tell me if the ARIS Derby database (same thing as the Apache Derby) is the same database used (http://db.apache.org/derby/) with Business Designer?

According to the Admin Guide (Sec 4.8, pg 43) Business Publisher uses the Tomcat Derby (10 connections). 

However, I can't find a reference to the database used within Business Designer (Server Install) which states (Sec 4.4.1, pg 12) that the default database is recommend for up to 50 users - but can't find the reference to the database type/name.  If I was to guess it would be MySQL but unsure.

Thanks for your assistance.





by Ignacio Arriagada
Posted on Tue, 11/05/2013 - 13:47

The database is Sybase


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